القائمة دخول

Scent of mothers



Perfume mothers in Mother's Day Susan bedroom woke


up from the joy of happy, "Today is


Mother's Day, has waited this Aleomtaiwila, Susan


washed face and dressed quickly, then took


the money collected in the last few days in preparation


for this precious occasion to be able to


purchase a beautiful gift because it is beloved in Kma


today Orient. Or was preoccupied with


arranging Susan House, Susan was she loved to make her


mother happy holiday surprise, graduated from the house


without, and tell her mother went to replace the gifts


near the house, and the way she met a friend Susan


Rabab, followed by that of their destination, they tell you


that they are going to Sawsan Gifts near the place to buy


a gift for her mother occasions Mother's Day. Rabab


considered it strange and Kallha: Why do not go to Alsag


there are many shops, many of the gifts that you can


choose an appropriate gift from them. Susan was


impressed by the idea and decided to carry out and


actually took a road leading to a market without,


contemplating the consequences of the supplier, they


know the road well j not go to the market not previously


accompanied her mother. Susan reached with difficulty to


the market and began roam the city streets, shops and


inspecting the gifts before tribunals, forms and compare


eighths of them with their money, and finally settled the


matter in place of Perfume, Susan bought a bottle of


perfume and paper covers what is beautiful and the


campaign returned to the house is almost fly out of joy,


but it will not Deconstructs the road leading to the house


and started to roam the streets trying to remember the


way the road to no avail, and realized the mistake and


that he had a, the mother, who are the biggest draw, and


began to think her mother and poor sense when you're


looking for is found in the home, and suddenly erased


Susan police officer stands Hand on the street, Susan


went speeding him and told him what had happened with


them, and how I came out of the house and lost its way,


the policeman put his hand gently on the head and


Sawsan a request, do not worry and told her that he had


watched Varman looking for her child at the police station


before more than an hour. Susan shouted: My mother


must be poor, escorted Susan Shatrah to the police


station and almost falling status until I saw her mother,


Susan sat on the seat, has developed her head between it


and by displaying signs of grief, Susan ran towards her


mother dropped in the same Her arms and tears falling


from her eyes, took Mother Susan accepted the head,


considered the mother Susan said: Mahiou, Mom what


caused you to play in, away from the pain and sorrow, not


be afraid, but I mean you just want buy a gift worthy of


you. Susan presented a bottle of perfume for her mother


and she said it: Every year, you okay, Mom, Susan has


embraced the mother again and invited them happy and


Felicities and longevity. Susan said: learn, Mom ..? The


Cmmt Most fragrances I can not find or aromatic smell


nicer than the smell aromatic, Mom, I felt I had flooded a


nursery in my head that I Achtm beautiful smell in the


universe and the most beautiful and wonderful fragrance


over the impact of tribal and committees


عفوا، هذا الفيديو غير متاح لك ..


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